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Adult Education Ministry

C.O.R.E. Discipleship Classes is the name of our adult Sunday School ministry. The name comes from the fact that these are major core categories wherein a Christian is equipped for a life of discipleship. C.O.R.E. is an acronym for Christian Living, Orthodoxy, Reach, and Exposition. 

  • In ‘Christian Living,’ we focus on classes that help us understand how to live out our faith in particular ways. 

  • ‘Orthodoxy’ is a category where we teach courses on theology, confessions, creeds, and parts of church history. 

  • ‘Reach’ is a category devoted to the task of every Christian advancing the kingdom through the great commission. Therefore, ‘Reach’ actually stands for ‘Outreach.’ 

  • Finally, ‘Exposition’ is a category devoted to the faithful exposition of passages, topics, and books of the bible. While exposition is included in every category, this particular category devotes its full attention to the text of Scripture.  


History of Curriculum

2019-Present Sunday School Curriculum

  • Heidelberg Catechism (Jan - June, 2019) Orthodoxy 

  • Heidelberg Catechism (August 2019 - April, 2020) Orthodoxy 

  • The Questions Jesus Asked, 1-5 (May 2020) Exposition


2018 Sunday School Curriculum

  • Apostles Creed (Jan - February, 2018) Orthodoxy 

  • Book of Malachi (March 4 -April 22, 2018) Exposition 

  • Financial Giving as an act of Worship (May 2018) Christian Living 

  • ‘Practicing the Kings Economy’ - Book Study (June-July 2018) Christian Living 

  • Christianity Explored (Aug. - Sept, 2018) Reach 

  • Spiritual Gifts (Late Fall 2018) Exposition / Christian Living 

  • ‘Inductive Bible Study Method’ focusing on passages on ‘Love' - 1 Cor. 13, Romans 13, John 13 (December 2018) Christian Living / Exposition 


2017 Sunday School Curriculum

  • Book of Hebrews (Jan-April 2017) Exposition 

  • Passionate Savior - The Emotions of Jesus - (May 7 - July 9, 2017) Christian Living 

  • Covenant Theology & Reformed Sacraments (6 weeks, July 15-Aug. 20) Orthodoxy 

  • Outreach Intensive (Aug. 27 - Oct. 22, 2017) Reach

  • Reformed Theology 10 weeks (5 Points Of Calvinism / 5 Solas) - (Nov. 5, 2017 - Jan. 7, 2018) Orthodoxy 


If you have any questions about the work of the Adult Education Ministry, please email Ministry Team Leader Corey Boyd.

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