Christ Presbyterian Church exists for the glory of God and the joy of all people.
Vision Statement Summary:
to the likeness of Christ
Rejoicing in and DISPLAYING
His truth, goodness, and grace
Growing in love,
service, and relationship
to God and our COMMUNITY
For the GLORY of God
and His kingdom,
present and eternal
A covenant is a sealed promise of God to His people throughout scripture with accompanying promises. As a body of believers in Christ’s complete work, we are adopted heirs to the promises God has given His people. We solemnly covenant to build Christ’s kingdom together. This cannot happen without continual sacrificial, prayerful, and intentional time together.
We will remember all that God has done, is doing, and will continue to do.
We will meet together in our homes and share meals together.
We will pray for one another.
We will sit together in grief and celebrate together in triumph.
We will reconcile all our relationships because God has reconciled us.
We will show up and be Christ’s body on Earth as He has called us to do.
We will live generously and give to one another of our time, talents, resources, and experience.
We will worship together.
We are imperfect but being refined daily through the Word, the Spirit, and the fellowship of believers. We recognize our desperate and constant need of confession and forgiveness before God and each other. We invite you to come and grow with us.
We will devote ourselves to the teaching and practice of the Bible.
We will confess and repent while showing sympathy for the struggles of others.
We will practice forgiveness, grace, and mercy.
We will seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit as our sanctification continues.
We were ALL created in the image of God. No matter your age, race, income, beliefs or background, the gospel is for YOU. You are uniquely gifted by God and we welcome you. The idea of the inherent image of God in His creation informs the way in which we consume and create, the way we give and receive, the way we listen and speak. We recognize there is no corner of creation that is unknown to God and we are charged to bear and display His image to all of our spheres of influence.
We will pursue a beautiful community by welcoming people from all backgrounds, cultures, and ethnicities.
We will meet you wherever you are in life, as God has done for us.
We will work and create with diligence and excellence.
We will affirm the work of God in those around us.
We will speak truth and love.
In addition to being a covenant community, we seek the welfare of the city and the world in which God has placed us.
We will share the gospel with our community both near and far by our word and action.
We will seek to uphold that which is good and beautiful.
We will seek to restore that which is broken.
We will shelter the broken-hearted.
We will enable and equip others to use their gifts fully for kingdom work.
We will seek to be good neighbors and bring light to the world around us.
We will care for the outcast and downtrodden.
We will partner with other congregations in our community both near and far.
We earnestly long for the time when God will make all things new. While we wait for that day, we will interact with our world in a way that displays the glorious reality that Christ has died and risen. We will build His kingdom rather than our own.
His glory is His and we will humble ourselves before Him and each other.
His glory is evident in creation and we will care for it.
His glory is evident in His word and we will cherish it and hide it in our hearts.
His glory is coming in full and we will pray for and encourage each other to wait for Him in faith.