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Growing in the Word:  Resources for Scripture Memory

Learning and applying scripture can be challenging. Only God can give us the grace to long for His Word, hide it in our hearts, and use it in our lives.  With this in mind, here are some resources you may find helpful for you and/or your family.


Programs and Systems


Fighter Verses program - Fighter Verses is a five-year Bible memory program which is designed to encourage believers to fight the fight of faith through memorizing God’s Word. To help equip you to memorize, view free Memory Aids and learn more about the various Fighter Verses Resources available from Children Desiring God.


     Using Fighter Verses - a simple overview by people like you who use this program


Topical Memory System from The Navigators - The Topical Memory System (TMS)  and TMS: Life Issues were developed by The Navigators as a simple, easy-to-use system to help believers memorize key verses that point to basic truths and important instruction. If you want to memorize Scripture but aren't sure what to memorize or how, this system is the perfect launching point to begin hiding God's Word in your heart. 




The importance of review:  How do you avoid forgetting scripture you've memorized?   See John Piper's thoughts on this topic here.

Scripture Typer (free with in-app upgrades available) Android/Kindle Fire/iPad/iPhone available – Lots of features to help you learn verses, including typing with prompts until you have mastered the verse. The typing feature only requires the first letter of the word, so would work fairly well for elementary ages, not just adults.


Bible Trainer ESV (free) Android available This is a handy tool for memorizing scripture and reminding yourself to pray. It contains the whole Bible in the English Standard Version (ESV) offline, so no internet access is required. Once you've chosen a passage to memorize, the app will break it up into phrases and give them to you one at a time, making it easier to memorize. As you get to grips with the passage, you'll begin to be able to say it without reading the text, but you can still use the app to remind yourself of what comes next. You can also test yourself by typing the passage out; the app will correct you if you make a mistake. The app stores all the passages you're working on, helping you to keep track of what you've done. Similarly, the app can store prayer requests, and you can set reminders to pray for people or recap a Bible passage.


Fighter Verses App ($2.99) Android/Kindle Fire/iPad/iPhone available

Created as a tool to help encourage Bible memory. Features include:

  • 1000+ verses pre-loaded, including Fighter Verses, Extended Verses, Foundation Verses and Children Desiring God Curriculum Verses

  • Choice of five English Bible translations (ESV, NIV2011, KJV, NASB and HCSB) and three Spanish Transations (LBLA and RVR1960)

  • Listen to verse songs and spoken verses (ESV) or record yourself reciting the verse

  • Three unique quiz types for different types of learners

  • Configurable schedule for weekly memorization

  • Review function with daily or weekly reminders

  • "My Verses" allows you to add your own verses

  • Links to weekly blog posts, whole chapter text, verse commentary and Desiring God resources



Bible Memory:  Remember Me  Android/iPad/iPhone available

Remember Me comes with an array of features to help with your memorization. Use your text-to-speech option to have the quotes read to you. Use the flashcard feature to study. Set daily reminders, and take randomly generated quizzes. Add and delete quotes from the queue easily, and watch as your Known tab fills with new words of wisdom.

Allow the words that inspire you the most become part of your everyday life, and commit them to heart.

Multiple Bible study methods:

  • Word puzzles

  • Fill in the gaps

  • Scripture typer

  • First letter and placeholder methods

  • Line by line verse practice

  • Randomly generated quizzes

  • Verbatim learning



Interactive Scripture, Song, Art, Devotions, and Blog


The Verses Project - Every week, a new memory verse and song to help you hear and sing God’s Word; artwork to save on your mobile device, desktop, or for your wall so that you might not only hear it, but also constantly see it, be reminded of it, and treasure it; finally, and a devotional blog to help you think on and engage with the text.


Look at the Book - Look at the Book is an online method of teaching the Bible. It’s an ongoing series of 8–12 minute videos in which the camera is on the text, not the teacher. You will hear John Piper’s voice and watch his pen underline, circle, make connections, and scribble notes — all to help you learn to read God’s word for yourself. His goal is to help you not only see what he sees, but where he sees it and how he found it.  While not all scriptures have been done, more are added regularly. This might be a great additional exploration as you meditate/focus on a specific verse or passage. Email subscription available.


Hand Lettering - Resources for Scripture Memory and Meditation - designs available as free wallpaper downloads with the desire to encourage others and aid in Scripture memorization, as well as links to various articles, sermons, and books.  Products with the designs are also available for purchase.



For Further Reading


How Memorization Feeds Your Imagination from The Gospel Coalition

How to Memorize Scripture from The Navigators

Hiding God’s Word in Your Heart from Peacemaker Ministries

Rationale for Memorizing Scripture from Fighter Verse Program, Bethlehem Baptist Church

Memory Encouragement from Desiring God – links to sermons, blog entries, and other articles from John Piper on the topic

Three Part Series on Habit Formation by Ken Sande, RW360


For Further Listening


Seeds Family Worship – Links to word-for-word Scripture songs set to really great music, and many more resources to support family memory worship and discipleship. CDs are theme-based.

Contact Anna McMurry if you are aware of a tool, app, or other resource that is worth sharing with our CPC body. We’d love to update this list! Email at or call at 931.266.0594.

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